LIMS DataLoaders Video 8 min
1. Open an experiment and load the basic CODD menus
2. From the Includes_Files folder, open LORE_DataLoaders.
3. Open the LIMS database and select data from a single hole. FOR GRA and MS data, be sure to check “WRMSL” under the “Instrument” pulldown menu on the right side of the page.
4. Click “View Data”.
5. After a portion of the data have been displayed, click “Download Tabular Data”. Continue downloading data for all holes desired. Store tabular data files in a folder containing no other .csv files.
6. When the downloads are complete run the appropriate loader from the LIMS menu. It will ask you to select the folder containing the tabular data files.
7. A new data folder in the DataBrowser contains the data.
Occasionally the first core of a Hole consists of only a core catcher. This will produce an error message telling you to change the CC in the first line of the data to the section number you are using for core catchers.