Image Load/Assemble - Cropped   Video 10 min


1. Open an experiment and load the basic CODD menus.

2. Download section images from the JANUS database. (see the video for a tip on efficient downloading) Store images from each Hole in a separate folder.

3. Using an image editor crop the images to remove all but sediment and placeholders.

2. From the Includes_Files folder, open Includes_Core_Image_Assembly. A new submenu named “Image_Assembly” is opened at the bottom of the “CODD_Image” menu..

3. Run BatchLoadAssembleImages under the “CODD_Image/Image_Assembly” submenu. Do not keep the K files and do not use lighting correction.

5. A new data folder in the DataBrowser contains the core images. 



Data are generally all stored inn a single data folder for each Site, but images are given separate data folders for each Hole.

When counting spaces to determine where the core number and section number are positioned in the file names, remember to start counting at zero (0). If the core numbers include leading zeros (0’s), use a comma to identify the core number location, e.g. “6,8” for “1257a_001h_02”.