Creating a Coring Matrix - LIMS   Video 6 min


1. Open an experiment and load the basic CODD menus

2. From the Includes_Files folder, open Includes_Coring_Matrix.

3. Go to the LIMS Online Report page of the IODP LIMS database.

4. Under ‘Summaries’ choose Section Summary. Then select a Site and Hole.

5.Click “View data”. 

6. Once data table has opened, click “Download Tabular Data”.

7. Run LORE_Create_Coring_Matrix from the matrix menu.

8. Matrix is created.


Note: Occasionally the first core of a Hole consists of only a core catcher. This will produce an error message telling you to change the CC in the first line of the data to the section number that you are using for core catchers (usually 9).